Review is a site dedicated to art tutoring. It teaches its members the main principles of portrait, landscape and flowers painting; how to obtain different shades and colors, and which materials to use while painting. Art tutor resource contains numerous video materials that will be helpful for people at different level of capacity and education.
Art tutor online differs significantly from all those educational DVDs and e-books which I have already tried, as the price of them is higher and the choice of artists is limited without any additions. is a particular website for people who intend to learn, have spare time watching the videos and practising the techniques offered. But the majority of people are free only at weekends, on holidays and in the evenings, but this is not a problem for Arttutor.

What makes different from other similar resources?

The main difference from other art teaching sites is that the greater part of educational materials is offered in the form of videos, there are very few writing notes. If you enjoy this kind of tutoring, you will have to make your own notes.
The tutors at Arttutor is mainly from the UK and this influences their manner of painting and explanations. They prefer subtle, less dramatic colors painting landscapes in comparison with other artists.
Some of the tutors demonstrate the ways of making a portrait from the photograph, while others prefer working with a sitter in a still life arrangement. Therefore, when you are choosing a tutor, decide for yourself which method you like more, examine the art tutor jobs and look through the service review.

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Certainly, it is quite understandable that a special environment is required for creating a video. So it is great when tutors while teaching the secrets of landscape oil painting use their sketches, color notes and tonal references and not just ordinary photographs. For me it is much easier to represent the accuracy of the photo in the picture, than the atmosphere via your sketches.
But this is my personal perception that you might not support. So, choose your subject and set of exercises to improve your art skills. Look through the review and select the most appealing video tuitions for you.

Try art lessons for free

If you are still have some doubts whether to take art lessons or not, you have a possibility to try free classes before making a final decision. Just determine the technique you like and start studying. You can choose the lessons of oil painting, or drawing, or acrylics, or watercolor.
 If you join this resource, you will also be offered some free e-books.

For members

At first you should determine the level of educational courses you would like to start with. All the courses are divided into easy, medium and of advanced difficulty. You should decide yourself which level to begin your education, but be critical about your abilities and start from the easy level unless you have real experience in art. But for advanced learners there is also a plenty of teaching materials that will be rather useful.
One more difference of this resource from e-books is that there is a possibility to talk with other members through forums, which brings a sense of community. Such forums are your chances to chat with tutors and other students, to share your jobs and exhibit them. This is a great chance to receive some feedback about your talents and progress, which can stimulate your desire to improve!